Friday, November 10, 2006

Okay. Hold your nose for 2 years and get ready to fix this.

Well, boys and girls, it would appear that the conservatives slept right through it. Now we just have to hope and pray that we can control the DNCs destruction of our nation. Allow them to screw it up JUST ENOUGH to make it obvious to the people that they ARE THE ENEMY, but not so bad we can't fix it two years down the road. And then, by God or all the gods you care to pray TO, we get some decent candidates who truly stand for what we believe in. And, unlike 94, we hold them accountable for promises not kept. We need to elect such a majority that the enemy cannot use our own laws against us, as the DNC has done through filibuster and whatever other techniques. I'm relatively sure our people tried to fulfill the "contract". Most of them, anyway. Some RINOs, and most dems, stood in the way of America as WE wanted it. This is what we get for not working hard enough with what we had. If we are to recover this nation, as it was intended by the founding fathers, we have two options. Do it the way they designed for maintenance, voting, or do it the way they had to to get it set up, revolution. I am not preaching that we should do this. But we must remember that as an option. Have you read the writings of the founding fathers re: the Second Amendment? About the fact that it is to be the guarantor of the rest? Why the hell do you think they put that in there? So that if we were ever subject to a sufficiency of tyranny, that the vote could not overcome to the will of the people, that if the government ever took control as the King had done, it could be overthrown. Why do you think the powermad in DC try so hard to remove the 2A? A little "bumper sticker wisdom" here, FEAR THE GOVERNMENT THAT FEARS YOUR GUNS. And to quote an inspirational line, "people should not be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of their people". If the government serves the people, does what the people elected them to do, and keeps the people happy, they have nothing to fear. It is when they contravene that which they promised to get elected that they should fear.


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